Configuration and Settings

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Creating and Using a Config File

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Some parameters for RapidCompact CLI are directly available with the respective commands. However, many relevant options (like the choice of a specific algorithm for a certain task, or the resolution for a specific type of texture image) are only available via the settings mechanism of RapidCompact CLI. The ratio behind this is to ease usage of the command line, especially for users that are not familiar with all the details, while still allowing you to configure all relevant parameters when necessary.

One way to configure the settings is to use a config file. The config file is a text file in JSON format, which can be easily edited. To create one that already contains the default values for all the available settings, use the command write_config with a filename. Example:

         rpdx --write_config rpd_config.json         

Additionally it is possible to just use the short command write_config without an argument. The resulting file will always be named as default: rpd_config.json Example:

         rpdx --write_config

This example writes a config file with filename "rpd_config.json". This special filename is used by RapidCompact CLI to check, on startup, for an existing config file inside the current directory. If the file has another filename, or if it is placed at another location, you can use the read_config command to read it when launching RapidCompact CLI. Example:

         rpdx --read_config someDirectory/myConfig.json         

Changing the settings inside a config file is pretty straightforward - just use your favorite text editor to alter the default values and save the file. When looking into a config file, you will notice that settings' names are using a URN-like scheme, separating several parts of the name by a colon. Examples:

             "decimation:method" : "quadric",
             "rendering:imageWidth"  : 1024,
             "rendering:imageHeight" : 1024,

The colons are used to separate different parts of each setting's name, where the first part is always the subsystem of RapidCompact CLI that uses the setting. In the above example, for instance, the prefix "rendering" tells us that the following part "imageWidth" refers to a setting inside that subsystem (and nowhere else). For example, the width of images for texture generation will not be affected by this setting.


Changing Settings using the Command Line

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Sometimes, you might want to try out different settings without having to use a config file. This is easily possible by using the command set (shorthand: s). Example:

         rpdx -i myMesh.ply -s decimation:method edgeLength --decimate v:10% -e myMesh-decimated.ply         

In this example, a mesh is loaded and its 3D geometry is decimated to 10% of the original vertices. Instead of using the standard decimation method or the one from the default config file, it is explicitly set to edgeLength before the decimater is used.

In general, the default value of a setting can be overriden in both ways, using a config file or using the command line. Both methods, using a config file and using s on the command line, override the current values of the given settings, so the current value of a setting also depends on the order in which previous read_config or s commands are executed. If you have use for this, you can also split up one large config file into multiple smaller ones, to separate different aspects of configuration. This is possible since the settings specified inside the config file do not need to be complete. Instead, a config file will only override settings for the parameters that are specified, leaving unspecified settings untouched. Example:

         rpdx --read_config decimation_config.json --read_config rendering_config.json ...         

Finally, to print the current value of a setting, there is also a get command (shorthand: g).


Changing Logging Verbosity

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By default, RapidCompact CLI will print some information to the standard output while executing commands. By specifying a log level, you can influence how verbose this output will be. To do so, use the "logging:infoLevel" setting. The corresponding values are:

Redirecting CLI Output Streams and Logging Progress

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To show warnings or errors to your users in a clean and readable way, you can simply redirect the warning and error streams that the CLI will produce. You can also create a nice progress bar this way, if you're running the CLI behind a visual UI.

Available Settings

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The following table lists all available settings of RapidCompact CLI, grouped by the related functionality or command.

Ambient Occlusion

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
ao:enabled Flag false {true, false} turns AO (Ambient Occlusion) generation on/off
ao:replaceMissingAlbedo Flag false {true, false} turns replacement of missing base color by AO map on/off
ao:replaceOriginal Flag true {true, false} computes a new AO map even if one is present in the input
ao:textureSamples Int 48 {8 .. 64} number of samples per texel for AO map generation (converted to a multiple of 8)
ao:vertexSamples Int 100 {1 .. 1024} number of samples per vertex for AO generation
ao:filterRadius Real 3 {0 .. 16} filter radius for smoothing the AO map (if any)
ao:strength Real 0.85 {0 .. 1} strength (intensity) for generated AO maps

Texture Baking

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
baking:bakeCombinedScene Flag false {true, false} bakes the scene as a single entity even if its meshes have transformations
baking:fixedAtlasResolution Flag false {true, false} if false, each texture's pixel budget is divided by all atlases
baking:forceNormalRebaking Flag false {true, false} rebakes normal maps when preserving UVs, even if UV overlaps are detected
baking:generateDisplacement Flag false {true, false} enables/disables the generation of displacement maps
baking:generateNormal Flag true {true, false} enables/disables the generation of normal maps when the input has no normal maps
baking:recomputeNormals Flag true {true, false} recompute normals before baking
baking:tangentSpaceNormals Flag true {true, false} switches between tangent-/object-space normal maps
baking:topologicalHolesToAlpha Flag false {true, false} capture areas where the corresponding source surface was not found on an alpha mask
baking:baseColorMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked base color and diffuse maps
baking:clearcoatMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked clearcoat maps
baking:clearcoatNormalMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked clearcoat normal maps
baking:clearcoatRoughnessMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked clearcoat roughness maps
baking:displacementMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked displacement maps
baking:emissiveMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked emissive maps
baking:genericMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked generic maps
baking:iridescenceMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked iridescence maps
baking:iridescenceThicknessMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked iridescence thickness maps
baking:metallicMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked metallic maps
baking:normalMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked normal maps
baking:occlusionMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked AO maps
baking:roughnessMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked roughness, specular and glossiness maps
baking:sampleCount Int 4 {1, 4, 8, 16} number of samples per texel for texture baking
baking:sheenColorMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked sheen color maps
baking:sheenRoughnessMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked sheen roughness maps
baking:specularColorMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked specular color maps
baking:specularValueMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked specular value maps
baking:thicknessMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked thickness maps
baking:transmissionMapResolution Int 2048 {1 .. 16384} resolution for baked transmission maps
baking:forcedDisplacementMax Real 0 {-inf .. inf} (see baking:forcedDisplacementMin)
baking:forcedDisplacementMin Real 0 {-inf .. inf} when forcedDisplacementMax and forcedDisplacementMax are given and valid (min < max), their values are used to clamp and normalize the final entries in the displacement map
baking:normalMapScale Real 1 {2.2250738585072014e-308 .. inf} normal scaling for the baked normal map (only used on glTF output)
baking:skipNormalsRoughnessThreshold Real 0 {0 .. 1} roughness value below which difference in normals between source/target are not baked
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Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
compact:addUVsToTiledMeshes Flag false {true, false} compact unwraps meshes that have tiled UVs and adds additional non-tiling UV layer
compact:aggregateUVs Flag false {true, false} if UVs are preserved, combines textures from different materials into a single atlas when possible
compact:allowRectangularPOTTextures Flag false {true, false} create rectangular POT textures when beneficial for auto sized textures
compact:removeInvisibleGeometry Flag false {true, false} remove invisible triangles after decimation, but before unwrapping
compact:atlasingFactor Int 1 {1 .. 10} divide each created atlas into n new atlases
compact:baseColorFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:defaultFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:displacementFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:emissiveFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:metallicFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:normalsFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:occlusionFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:roughnessFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:specularFlatTexThreshold Int 0 {0 .. 255} per channel maximum distance threshold below which this texture will be replaced with material value
compact:pixelsPerUnitLength Real 0 {0 .. inf} number of pixels per unit length (e.g. per meter)
compact:animationSimplification String none {'none', 'conservative', 'aggressive', 'extreme'} specify how much to simplify animation curves
compact:atlasingMode String separateAlpha {'single', 'separateAlpha', 'separateNormals', 'separateAlphaNormals', 'separateMaterials'} mode used to assign meshes to atlases
compact:materialNamingScript String script for defining material names after baking
compact:nodeNamingScript String script for defining node names during flattening operations
compact:powerOfTwoTextures String ceil {'none', 'ceil', 'floor', 'round'} compact ensures that textures have power of two dimensions
compact:quality String default {'fast', 'thorough'} specify whether compact should generally try to complete fast or exhaust options
compact:removeSmallFeatures String or % percentage (relative to the scene's bounding box) or absolute value (in scene units), defining the largest mesh lump bbox sidelength considered small
compact:splitMode String auto {'auto', 'none', 'byOpacity', 'byMaterial'} mode used to deal with meshes with multiple materials

Mesh Decimation

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
decimation:collapseUnconnectedVertices Flag true {true, false} switches collapsing of nearby, unconnected vertices on/off
decimation:preserveCommonMeshBorders Flag true {true, false} preserves borders (vertices) common between meshes
decimation:preserveMaterialBorders Flag false {true, false} preserves mesh material borders during decimation
decimation:preserveNormals Flag false {true, false} preserves vertex normals during decimation
decimation:preserveTiledUVs Flag false {true, false} preserves repeating texture coordinates during decimation
decimation:preserveTopology Flag false {true, false} preserves topological features like holes during decimation
decimation:preserveUVs Flag false {true, false} preserves texture coordinates during decimation
decimation:recomputeNormals Flag true {true, false} switches computation of new normals after decimation on or off
decimation:boundaryPreservationFactor Real 0.5 {0 .. 1} factor to steer preservation of boundaries during decimation
decimation:collapseDistanceThreshold Real 0.005 {0 .. 0.10000000000000001} threshold w.r.t BBox diagonal for collapsing nearby vertices
decimation:probQuadricStddev Real 0 {0 .. inf} standard deviation for probabilisitc quadrics
decimation:tiledUVThreshold Real 1.5 {1 .. inf} UV extent after which a UV channel is considered repeating (= tiling texture)
decimation:defaultTarget String f:20000 ; f:; %; f:%; s:; mb target parameter for decimation during compact
decimation:method String quadric {'quadric', 'edgeLength'} method to be used for decimation
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Model Export

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
export:centerModel Flag false {true, false} centers the model around the coordinate origin before export
export:convertToMetalRough Flag false {true, false} if true, materials are always converted from spec/gloss to rough/metal
export:discardUnusedUVs Flag false {true, false} if true, discards unused UV sets on export
export:displacementToNormalMapAlpha Flag false {true, false} bakes displacement values into the normal map's alpha channel
export:excludeTangents Flag true {true, false} prevents export of tangent data, expects render client to compute them in MikkTSpace
export:fbxNormalmapYFlip Flag false {true, false} flip FBX normalmaps Y axis on export
export:fbxUnitsConversion Flag true {true, false} deep convert scene units instead of scaling root node
export:forceDoubleSidedMaterials Flag false {true, false} export all materials as double sided
export:forceSeparateOcclusionMap Flag false {true, false} export a occlusion as a separate map instead of including it in the ORM
export:gltfIgnorePbrExtensions Flag false {true, false} If true, no glTF material PBR extensions are exported
export:preferBinaryFormat Flag true {true, false} turns export in binary format on/off (if available)
export:preserveTextureFilenames Flag false {true, false} keeps he input texture filenames where possible
export:unlitMaterials Flag false {true, false} enables that all materials are specified as unlit, for .gltf/.glb export
export:jpgQuality Int 90 {1 .. 100} quality (in percent) of images exported as JPG
export:jpgQualityNormals Int 95 {1 .. 100} quality (in percent) of images with normal data exported as JPG
export:ktxCompressionSpeed Int 2 {0 .. 5} compression speed for KTX (0 = fast, 5 = slow but higher quality)
export:ktxQuality Int 128 {0 .. 255} compression quality for KTX (0 = lowest quality but max compression, 255 = max quality)
export:maxBaseColorMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported base color and diffuse maps
export:maxClearcoatMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported clearcoat maps
export:maxClearcoatNormalMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported clearcoat normal maps
export:maxClearcoatRoughnessMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported clearcoat roughness maps
export:maxDisplacementMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported displacement maps
export:maxEmissiveMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported emissive maps
export:maxGenericMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported generic maps
export:maxIridescenceMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported iridescence maps
export:maxIridescenceThicknessMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported iridescence thickness maps
export:maxMetallicMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported metallic maps
export:maxNormalMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported normal maps
export:maxOcclusionMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported AO maps
export:maxRoughnessMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported roughness, specular and glossiness maps
export:maxSheenColorMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported sheen color maps
export:maxSheenRoughnessMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported sheen roughness maps
export:maxSpecularMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported specular maps
export:maxThicknessMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported thickness maps
export:maxTransmissionMapResolution Int 16384 {1 .. 16384} maximum resolution for exported transmission maps
export:mipmapCount Int 2 {1 .. inf} number of mipmap levels generated on export (only supported for KTX2 files)
export:preferredUVChannel Int 0 {0 .. inf} if an export format does not support multiple UV channels, pick the one set here
export:webpQuality Int 93 {1 .. 100} quality (in percent) of images exported as WebP
export:webpQualityNormals Int 95 {1 .. 100} quality (in percent) of images with normal data exported as WebP
export:scaling Real 1 {2.2250738585072014e-308 .. inf} asset scaling before export, does not affect asset for further processing
export:baseColorMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for base color maps
export:clearcoatMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for clearcoat maps
export:clearcoatNormalMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for clearcoat normal maps
export:clearcoatRoughnessMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for clearcoat roughness maps
export:displacementMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for displacement maps
export:emissiveMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for emissive maps
export:fbxAxisSystem String mayaZUp; mayaYUp; max; motionbuilder; opengl; directx; lightwave desired FBX axis system
export:fbxUnits String m mm; dm; cm; m; km; inch; foot; mile; yard desired FBX system unit
export:geometryCompression String none none; draco; dracoLossy desired geometry compression (currently only available for GLTF/GLB export)
export:iridescenceMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for iridescence maps
export:iridescenceThicknessMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for iridescence thickness maps
export:metallicMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for metallic maps
export:normalMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for normal maps
export:occlusionMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for occlusion maps
export:overrideMaterials String none none; defaults specify if you want to replace all materials on export with another set of materials
export:roughnessMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for roughness maps
export:sheenColorMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for sheen color maps
export:specGlossMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for specular+glossiness maps
export:specularMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for specular maps
export:textureCopyPolicy String lossyWhenPossible whenPossible; lossyWhenPossible; never specify when to copy or re-export (re-encode) texture files
export:textureMapFilePrefix String prefix to be used for texture map names
export:textureNamingScript String script for defining texture names
export:thicknessMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for thickness maps
export:transmissionMapFormat String auto jpg; png; png8; ktx-basis-etc1s; ktx-basis-uastc; webp desired output file format for transmission maps
export:uastcQuality String default default; high; balanced; compressed; high+compressed compression quality for UASTC KTX
export:usdProfile String arkit arkit; omniverse; generic desired USD output usage
export:usdUnits String cm m; cm; original desired USD system unit


Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
flattening:preservedSceneDepth Int 0 {0 .. inf} number of layers in the scene structure that should not be flattened
flattening:mode String auto {'auto', 'byOpacity', 'byMaterial', 'full', 'none'} mode to be used for flattening


Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
general:maxConcurrentThreads Int 0 {0 .. inf} maximum number of concurrent threads. 0 means no limit (adapts to number of cores), other numbers act as fixed maximum.
general:normalsHardAngleDeg Real 60 {0 .. 180} hard angle (degrees) used for normal generation (0 = everything flat, 180 = everything smooth)
general:normalsComputationMethod String area angle, area weighting method for computation of mesh normals

Geometry Compression

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
geoCompression:boneWeightQuantization Int 12 {1 .. 32} bits per bone weights vertex attribute (if geometry compression is enabled)
geoCompression:normalQuantization Int 10 {1 .. 32} bits per normal vertex attribute (if geometry compression is enabled)
geoCompression:positionQuantization Int 14 {1 .. 32} bits per position vertex attribute (if geometry compression is enabled)
geoCompression:uvQuantization Int 12 {1 .. 32} bits per UV vertex attribute (if geometry compression is enabled)
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Model Import

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
import:discardAnimations Flag false {true, false} if true, discards any imported animations
import:discardCameras Flag false {true, false} if true, discards any imported cameras
import:discardLights Flag false {true, false} if true, discards any imported lights
import:discardMorphTargets Flag false {true, false} if true, discards any imported morph targets (shape keys)
import:discardUnusedUVs Flag false {true, false} if true, discards unused UV sets (if possible)
import:fbxNormalmapYFlip Flag false {true, false} flip FBX normalmaps Y axis on import
import:recomputeNormals Flag false {true, false} if true, discards the original normals and recomputes them
import:restrictToSubfolders Flag false {true, false} if true, only resources on the asset folder or on its subfolders are loaded
import:rotateZUp Flag false {true, false} turns rotation to z-axis pointing upwards on/off
import:alphaMapBlendToMaskThreshold Real 1.1 {0 .. 2} use alpha masking instead of blending when the alpha map has same or more than the given fraction of black or white pixels
import:alphaMapToOpaqueThreshold Real 1 {0 .. 1} consider the material opaque if the alpha map mean value is above the given value [0, 1]
import:maxCADTessellationDeviation Real -1 {1.0000000000000001e-09 .. 100} maximum deviation of the triangles from the original CAD surface, percentage relative to the bounding box size
import:usdProfile String arkit arkit; generic defines how input USD files are interpreted
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UV Inpainting

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
inpainting:radius Real 32 {0 .. 32} radius, in pixels, for texture inpainting


Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
logging:infoLevel Int 3 {0 .. 4} logging verbosity (0 = quiet, 4 = debug)

Material Settings

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
material:defaultMetallic Real 0 {0 .. 1} default material metallic property
material:defaultRoughness Real 0.5 {0 .. 1} default material roughness property
material:defaultBaseColor String 1 1 1 , , default material base color

Chart Packing

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
packing:pixel_distance Int 2 {1 .. inf} distance in pixels packing will keep at reference packing resolution
packing:resolution Int 1024 {0 .. inf} resolution at which packing will be computed


Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
remeshing:enabled Flag false {true, false} enables remeshing during compact
remeshing:resolution Int 0 {1 .. 11} maximum tree depth
remeshing:method String voxelization {'voxelization', 'shrinkwrap_mesh'} specify the type of remeshing to perform before decimation


Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
rendering:disableEnvMap Flag false {true, false} if true, disables the environment map when rendering PBR
rendering:enableDropShadow Flag true {true, false} turns rendering of drop shadow on/off
rendering:showBackFaces Flag false {true, false} turns rendering of backfaces on/off
rendering:imageHeight Int 1024 {1 .. 16384} height to be used for rendered images
rendering:imageWidth Int 1024 {1 .. 16384} width to be used for rendered images
rendering:sampleCount Int 4 {1 .. inf} number of samples per pixel for image rendering
rendering:IBLBackgroundBlur Real 0.4 {0 .. 1} IBL background blur level. 0 not blurred, 1 fully blurred
rendering:IBLIntensity Real 1 {0 .. 100} Intensity multiplier for the IBL. 1.0 is default
rendering:cameraVerticalFOVDeg Real 0 {0 .. 90} camera vertical field of view in degrees. 0 will use default values
rendering:IBLFilePath String file path for the .env IBL to use for rendering. If empty, the default IBL map is used.
rendering:background String transparent {'transparent', 'white', 'black', 'gradientGray', 'vignette', 'ibl'} background to be used for rendered images
rendering:cameraPosition String auto auto camera position vector for rendering
rendering:cameraUpVector String 0 1 0 camera up direction for rendering
rendering:cameraViewVector String 0 0 -1 camera direction vector for rendering
rendering:shadingMode String pbr {'pbr', 'wireframe', 'flat', 'vs_normals', 'diffuse', 'emissive', 'opacity', 'metallic', 'roughness', 'clearcoat', 'clearcoatRoughness', 'specular', 'specularColor', 'occlusion'} rendering method
rendering:toneMapper String none {'none', 'pbrNeutral'} tone mapper for PBR rendering
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Mesh Segmentation

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
segmentation:maxPrimitivesPerChart Int 10000 {1 .. inf} limits max number primitives in any UV chart
segmentation:chartAngleDeg Real 130 {0 .. 360} threshold (degrees) for overall curvature of 3D charts
segmentation:cutAngleDeg Real 88 {0 .. 180} threshold (degrees) for cutting sharp edges

Mesh Unwrapping

Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
unwrapping:cutOverlappingPieces Flag true {true, false} turns removal of UV self-overlaps through cutting on/off
unwrapping:maxAngleErrorDeg Real 114 {0 .. inf} the maximum angle (degrees) difference between UV and 3D space beyond which a chart is split and re-unwrapped
unwrapping:method String isometric {'isometric', 'forwardBijective', 'fixedBoundary', 'fastConformal', 'conformal'} method to be used for UV unwrapping
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Name Type Default Valid Range Quick Description
visibility:perMesh Flag false {true, false} switches visibility computation between per mesh and global
visibility:diffusion String none none, conservative control if neighbours of visible triangles are also flagged as visible
visibility:quality String default {'default', 'fast', 'thorough', 'extreme'} specify how fast or thorough triangle visibility should be determined

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