RapidCompact CLI (rpdx) Hardware Requirements


Basic Hardware Requirements

Minimum and recommendet hardware for runnng rpdx:

Hardware Recommendation Description
Processor x86-64 CPU, 8vCPUs recommended rpdx makes use of multiple cores/threads for the following operations: UV unwrapping, texture baking, rendering,
RAM 1GB minimum, 16GB recommended The amount of RAM required is highly dependent on the input models and operations performed.
Hard disk space Ubuntu: 100MB, macOS: 85MB, Windows: 85MB Executable and libraries only.
Graphics Card Not used rpdx can run headless, it has no dependencies on OS graphics APIs. rpdx does not support GPU acceleration.

Memory Usage Estimation

Basic estimation

The following provides a conservative estimation on the amount of memory necessary to compact a 3D model using rpdx. In some cases, the estimate could be much higher than the actual number.

        inputMem = numInputTris * 36 + numInputVertices * 64 + numInputTexels * 3
        totalMem = 100MB + (inputMem + numOutputTexels * 3) *4

Note, that all of the values used in the calculation can be printed or written from any given input or output files using the following commands:

        rpdx -i foo.bar -p
        rpdx -i foo.bar --write_info

Precise estimation

This estimation should be more accurate but may in some cases be under the target. The number of vertices can be approximated as 0.75* numTriangles for many models.

        inputEstimationGeo = inTris * 3 * 3 * 4 + inVerts * (3 + 3 + 2) * 8
        # assuming tangents are needed (baking normalmaps)
        outputEstimationGeo = outTris * 3 * 4 * 4 + outVerts * (3 + 3 + 6 + 2) * 8
        estimation = (100 * 1024 * 1024) + (inputEstimationGeo + inTexels * 3) * 2 + (outputEstimationGeo + outTexels * 3) * 2